Learning Motivation: Managing Student Behavior

Morning Conferences:
Each morning, during morning work, students will meet one-on-one with Mrs. Lindeke.  The conference is a brief check in that may include questions or concerns with homework, the prior day’s instruction, and a time to address any other student or teacher questions or concerns. 
Classroom Rules
Mrs. Lindeke and the students worked together in order to produce Team Lindeke rules. 
Team Lindeke decided classroom rules must be followed at all times, in and out of the classroom. 
Making the choice to follow or disobey the rules is a personal choice. With any choice that you make, there will be a consequence, either positive or negative
School Rules & School Conduct Code:
You have a list of school rules and the school conduct code in your planner and both are posted on the information board located in the front by the door of our classroom.  If you choose to break a school rule, the same consequences apply as breaking a classroom rule.  
Bullying will NOT be tolerated in the classroom, as it is not tolerated in our school.  For consequences of bullying, please see your school handbook. 

Rules to Play By

Team Lindeke Rewards and Consequences

Friday Free Choice (FFC)
·         Friday Free Choice is a privilege given to students who have earned it.
·         Each student will start the week off with a clean slate, free of missing homework or any clips moved.
·         Any violation of a rule or procedure will result in the moving of clips, which will result in free choice time lost.
·         Any child with late or missing homework during the week will spend their free choice time working on the missing work. 
·         If the class as a whole cannot handle free choice time the privilege will be lost.

Negative Consequences
If a student chooses to break the Team Lindeke rules, he or she has chosen to be held accountable to the consequences.  These consequences may include students moving clips.  Clips are moved on the Clip Color Chart: 

Clip Color Chart