Managing Classroom Proceedures

Morning Routine
Each morning, students will enter the classroom quietly without any disruptions and will follow Team Lindeke procedures:
·         Go directly to your desk and empty out your backpack.
·         Place your homework as well as any parent communication or important documents from home in Mrs. Lindeke’s mailbox.
·         Collect the appropriate supplies that you will need for the day, including pencils, erasers, and loose leaf paper. 
·         Look at the Promethean Board for any additional information that you need for the day.
·         You must be in your seat, prepared to begin your morning work before the school’s morning exercises of the Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem. Failure to do so will result in you moving your clip to yellow. 
·         If you are not in the classroom by 9:05, you will need to go to the office, as you will be marked tardy.
Morning Work
·         Morning work will occur after the school’s morning exercises until 9:30
·         Morning work must be done at a noise level 0-1.
·         Mrs. Lindeke will have a brief conference with each student at this time. 
·         Do not disrupt Mrs. Lindeke during morning conferences.  
·         If you need help, “Ask 3 before me.”
·         Morning work will need to be completed by 9:45 daily and stamped by the “teacher’s assistant.” If it is not complete by this time, students will receive an incomplete and a zero for the assignment, and you will move your clip to yellow. 
·         Stay in your seat during morning work time.
End of the Day Routine
At the end of each day, students will leave the classroom quietly without any disruptions and will follow Team Lindeke procedures:
·         We will begin packing up to leave at 2:30.
·         The Board Manager will have all the assignments for the night on the board by 2:30.
·         Students will fill out their agenda and wait to have it initialed by the Teacher’s Assistant.
·         Gather all of your belongings that you need to go home on to the top of your desk.
·         Desks should be clear and the floor underneath your desk area should be spotless. You will lose yards for your team if you do not follow this on a nightly basis.
·         Raise your hand when you are ready to be dismissed to get your backpack.
·         The Teacher Assistant will walk around, sign your completed agenda, and dismiss you to go to gather your backpack and other belongings.   
·         Sit on top of your desk when you are packed, dressed, and ready to go.
·         Mrs. Lindeke will dismiss teams to line up outside the class for dismissal.    
School Announcements/Communication
When announcements are on, the noise level should not be louder than a “1”. Anyone talking higher than this noise level will be asked to move his or her clip.
“Ask 3 before Me”
        If you have a general question or a question about directions, ask three teammates before asking Mrs. Lindeke. 
        This needs to be done without disruptions!
“Give me 5”
When Mrs. Lindeke raises her open hand, please follow these steps:
1- Stop what you are doing
2- Noise level to a zero
3- Look at the teacher
4- Raise your hand
5- All from the teacher’s count from 5 to 0

 “4 B’s”
Notify Mrs. Lindeke IMMEDITATELY in the case of any one of the 5 B’s:
·         Blood
·         Barf
·         Broken Bones
·         Bullying
Contributing to classroom Conversation
·         Unless told otherwise, please raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking.
·         Please do not call out or speak out without permission. Calling out when teaching will result in a verbal warning and then the moving of clips.
·         No student, for any reason, should yell or raise their voice in school.
Absent Work
Students who miss school due to an excused absence need to check in with the Out of Office Assistant for make-up work and important information missed. 
For make-up work, students will have the number of days they missed plus one extra day to turn in all homework and class work from the day of their absence. For example, if a student misses two days of school they will have a total of three days to complete their work.
Lining Up and Hallway
·         The hallway is your chance to shine! Every administrator, faculty, and staff is watching what you are doing in the hallway. I expect appropriate behavior.

·         The hallway is a zero tolerance policy area. If any student is talking above a noise level 1, he or she will be asked to move his or her clip upon returning to the classroom.

·         You will walk in two single file lines, lead by the line leaders. 

Quizzes and Tests
·         There will be no talking from the moment a test is handed out. Those who talk will lose their test and will receive a zero. 

·         If you have a question, raise your hand and stay in your seat.

·         When you have completed your test, put it upside down on the side of your desk and put away all testing materials. You may read silently at your desk.